Thursday, September 2, 2010

As Evening Sets

Magical moment! We are exploring back roads discovering lands dressed in beauty that we have never seen before. Afternoon becomes evening then night. We are sharing the awe of togetherness.

We share story after story. We have been married so, so long ... we can hardly remember when our life of singleness meshed into our life of togetherness ... some of our stories have been repeated to one another at least a hundred times. We listen to each tale as if it were the first time spoken. This is love.

We share several stories that we had never disclosed to the other. Amazing! There remains mystery between us.

Suddenly we witness one of the most glorious sunsets we have ever seen. We pull off the road, fully facing the expanse of glory in the sky. I listen to him breathe next to me.

Are sunsets like fingerprints, each one unique with its own identity? A symphony of evening noises accompany my wonder.

I focus completely on hues of purple, crimson, and bursts of orange blazing before me. The Lord has blessed the close of day. We bask in His glory. We sense He is near.

Changes in the sky happen so quickly. Evening sun gracefully bows to earth dropping beneath the horizon before we are ready to bid it farewell.

As evening sets, nature, our awe of it, and our love for one another reveal beauty in four dimensions.

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." Psalm 19:1 NIV


myletterstoemily said...

what a gorgeous sunset and sweet
love tale. we listen to the same
stories repeatedly, too. our children
don't seem to enjoy it as much as
we do. :)

North Jersey Christian Writers Group said...

a beautiful experience woven into a beautifully expressed tale. tres magnifique, my friend.