Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The back of my hand brushed the ivory cresses of her cheek, feather-like, brushing away her tear. Come closer she whispered. I embraced her fragile frame, "you are my best friend" her voice wrapped in weakness spoke to me. I couldn't imagine it, me? I had known her for such a short time. 

She lived in room 37, the revolving door of the home. How many crossed her threshold each and every day? A more loved woman I have never known. She had been collecting friends for 96 years. I was astounded! Her best friend! She thought that much of me? I couldn't grasp it. It was beyond me. She was gone so fast! The days that she and I were best friends were too brief. 

She had such a short time to completely rearrange my heart. She loved deep, quickly. It didn't take years to become best friends, it took a moment. She had a way with everyone . . . she was safe . . . she was a well of love ready to offer drink to the thirsty. 

I finally understood . . . everyone who had touched her life became her best friend. It was as real a friendship as the blue of sky. 

There is a cloud of witnesses and Flossie is there among the greats, cheering us onward, those she so gracefully left behind. We will see her again . . . my best friend. 


ruthmusic said...


You have such a way with words. This lady sounds like some I met at the nursing home in past years. What a special lady.


myletterstoemily said...

oh, i'm sorry you lost your sweet flossie.
you shared this so beautifully.

i had a flossie growing up, and of course,
loved flossie, the bobbsey twin.

it's great to see you here. my heart lifted
when i saw your comment at my spot.

Laura said...

Oh, Cheri, this is a beautiful picture of friendship. The way you love surely reflects our good God. I'm sorry it has taken me so long to drop by! I'm thrilled that you are writing again, if even infrequently. How have you been? The days go fast, don't they? This is a sign of living fully :) at least that's what I keep telling myself...