Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Gift of Healing

I love stories of reconciliation. Relationships can be most challenging. Isn't it awesome when a broken one finally begins to be woven back together? It is often difficult to find the very thing that will restore and bring healing to a severed bond.

Susan Panzica, my soulmate, invited me to return to her blog, Eternity Cafe today. Please pop over and visit her 40 Days of Christmas where I share how the Lord inspired a way to mend a broken relationship that I had with a member of our family. It inspires me to keep seeking Him for other relationships in my life where I haven't discovered what it will take to restore that which has been broken ... yet.

I am so thankful that the Lord coming has brought to us the ministry of reconciliation. God to man, man to God, and oh Lord, help us, man to man. The Lord is amazing, as you will see in my post, The Gift of Healing. Prayerful blessings!


1 comment:

myletterstoemily said...

i loved your gift of healing and need to
extend that same kind of gift to one of
my family members.

barrett has contacted the family but is
not planning to come home yet.

we are very thankful he is alive.

thank you for checking on him so
