Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sharing Christmas

My friend Susan asked me to be a guest on her blog today. I hope you have been following her forty days of Christmas where she has been posting wonderful Christmas devotions. I am humbled to share her vision. You may visit me there today. Forty days of Christmas . Many blessings to you, sweet friends. Cheri


myletterstoemily said...

oh, i LOVED your precious story! how
blessed we are to have had so many be
as Him to us in the special ways.

they would have NEVER asked me to be
the angel. i was way too ornery!

thanks for sharing a glimpse of your
younger self.


Together We Save said...

I will head over to check it out!!

myletterstoemily said...

hi cheri.

thank you for checking on my friend's
son. no new word . . .

myletterstoemily said...

thank you, cheri

i forwarded your message to my friend,
because it will encourage her so much.
should have asked you first. shows how
addlepated i am. sorry.