Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bloomin' Joy

Joy! Feeling JOY in my being today! Stuff has been pushed out of the way . . . stuff that hinders and suppresses the Joy that comes from the Spirit! Today I am feeling joy bubbling, doing a happy dance in my soul! Circumstances are pretty much the same, but the load has been shifted. It is off of my shoulders. The One who now carries the load, He can manage the load! I am celebrating! Freedom of heart has come! Someone says, "Settle down!"

"No Way!!!"

The tomb is empty and my heart is full of LIFE! Death was not a difficult foe for God! Sin is painful and gives death license to rule. Sin had to be defeated. Jesus had defeated the first death before the cross. "Lazarus, rise!" Death surrendered to the Word of Life! The second death was defeated in the tomb of Jesus. Eternal death. Death that is a result of sin, defeated!!! Jesus defeated eternal death so that we might have eternal hope of heaven with Him!

Did you know that there are two deaths? When our flesh dies that is the first death. Most of us will experience this one. The second death happens when we stand before God and He says, "You cannot come in here. I do not know you!" However, there is good news! You do not have to experience the second death! Jesus defeated the second death and God was pleased with His sacrifice. Do you believe that? If you do, tell Him so right now! You have said that before? Tell Him again! He doesn't mind hearing it over and over again! Tell Him you believe!!!  When we believe, we will stand before God when our flesh dies and Jesus will step up and say about us, "I know you, good and faithful servant, enter into your rest." That is our escape from the second death. Are you jumping up and down yet???

How are you feeling today? Feeling JOY?

There is hope, my friend. I have been in a war lately. Hurting, struggling, disappointed, frustrated, etc. Now my focus has shifted! It has been readjusted and hope is blooming in my heart! Our time here is short! Eternity with Him is forever!

Nothing is impossible with God!!! The tomb is empty! Let's believe! And walk in JOY! Celebrate!!!


myletterstoemily said...

here's to JOY unspeakable, unbelievable, and
unimaginable! so happy you are basking in
it. and here's to NO second deaths!!!

i am spending some time with my niece today
who has asked me to mentor her. this is one
of the greatest honors of my life.

"Lord, add your anointing to your servant."

we've had some big storms down here. how
about you guys?

blessings, sweet friend.

Kandace Rather said...

Joy is contagious! I love you!!