Friday, November 28, 2008

Fabulous Fun Fridays/ Just As I Am

It had been one of those days! 

Luke was a baby, number four,  the Speedy Gonzalez of our family!

The church we attended at that time had Wednesday night services.

Getting four children fed, dressed, and prepared for the public was quite the chore on some

One evening I didn't have time to get Caleb (2) as ready as I would have liked. I had a standard.......perfection........yep it was pretty much perfection that I was after.

This particular day it just wasn't coming together for me, but we were going to church regardless.

I dropped Caleb off at the toddler nursery whispering to the teacher as I left the room, "Caleb would like to sing 'Just As I Am' tonight."

I didn't know it then, but the teacher didn't understand which song I said so she kept trying to get him to tell her which song he would like to sing during his class time.

He just kept looking at her with those big baby blues like "I don't know what you are talking about."

After church his teacher wanted to know which song it was that Caleb wanted to sing to which I replied " 'Just As I Am'. Did you look at him? The poor child was rushed from the table to the car with a barely wet cloth that only removed the biggest remains of his dinner from his face, hair, hands, and clothing. Tonight he was arriving "Just As He Is"......... We both laughed!

Today I look back and marvel that I ever got to church on time! And usually my kids looked perfect.........(well when I still decided what they wore and such)! I probably looked a bit frazzled.......because I was! 

Hope your Thanksgiving was amazing! 

Be blessed with smiles, laughter, and many joys!

Love to all,


Joyful said...

I always enjoy hearing the stories about your children - so precious!

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Love ya,

Laura said...


Hope your holiday was blessed, and now for a most treasured season: Happy Advent, Dear One! Aren't we blessed that He loves us "Just as we are"?

Love ya,