Thursday, May 19, 2011


We meet at the table, Bibles open, His supper on our minds.
Fellowship is sweet and full. Ministry flows from one heart to the other. Encouragement. The Lord has been working in our midst, touching the poor and helpless, lifting needy hearts with words of hope. We have seen it. We share.
Wealth of Word, wisdom rich words, pass one to the other. Hearts receive. Hollow of soul, filled. Thirst quenched.
We bow our heads and pray searching our own hearts, asking the Lord for a cleansing. Asking Spirit to find the wrong in our hearts, seeking revelation, the mirror of our soul. "Come Holy Spirit," we pray. Even the children still their chatter. Holiness settles in the room. We are baptized with His presence. Silently we confess.
We take the broken bread and give thanks for His broken body. Broken for us. We proclaim His death. The Father hears us testify. "He was broken for me. "
We lift our cups that symbolizes His blood. The juice, symbolic of the spilled righteous blood of Christ, the blood of the Lamb that was slain to save us, we pray and thank the Father for the blood of His Son. We drink this holy emblem together.
The obedient act of remembrance of Him brings a spirit of joy.
Happiness fills the room. Celebration! We must sing now! We must sing!
Song rises, praise is lifted high.

"What can wash away my sin, nothing but the blood of Jesus!
What can make me whole again, nothing but the blood of Jesus!
Oh, precious is the flow, that makes me white as snow, no
other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus!"

There is twinkle in the eyes of the little ones.
The partakers have been strengthened, renewed, blessed until we meet again next week.

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