Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mr. Mercy

Have you ever had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Mercy.
I call him "Mercy on two feet!" 
I have been blessed to have the acquaintance of this man and over the years
I have gotten to know him very well. I would love to introduce you!

The Lord loves mercy! In the Holy of Holies, the Lord dwelt between the cherubim on a seat of mercy. So in the holiest place on earth, mercy was present. God rested on it. Mercy is a place where God finds rest! 

Matthew 5:7~
"Blessed........happy, to be envied, and spiritually prosperous [that is, with life-joy and satisfaction in God's favor and salvation, regardless of their outward conditions].......are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy!"

I love mercy! I love Mr. Mercy. I love him so much that I married him. The Lord knew that I would need lots and lots of mercy so he put a merciful man in my life that I fell head over heals in love with. Sometimes his abundance of mercy drives me crazy! Not when he is merciful with me, not ever! But sometimes the length he will go and the pain he will endure for others, well for someone like me, it can be very annoying and disturbing!

But the Lord LOVES mercy! He is generous with mercy, being faithful to give us new mercy everyday! And He finds rest on a heart that is full of mercy.

I made a decision a long time ago that it would be better to err on the side of mercy rather than justice. So I have been taking lessons from Mr. Mercy and have been learning to walk in this amazing gift. You probably wouldn't call me Mrs. Mercy, yet, but the Lord and I are working on it. 

I recently visited the new Billy Graham library in Charlotte, NC (a must see) and saw the grave of Ruth Graham. On her tombstone are inscribed these words, "Construction project finished, thank you for your patience."

Well, I am still under construction, but there has been progress. Mr. Mercy has been praying for me for years!!!!!  I so desire a heart that is full of mercy because I want a heart where the Lord can rest. I don't want a heart that He is constantly having to wrestle with, but a heart where He settles and calls home. A heart that has a throne ready for Him, a throne called "Mercy". Because of His mercy and because of my desire I believe He is hastening the process and has already found His place to abide in me.

Now that is mercy!

Lord Jesus, thank you for mercy! You give mercy generously and abundantly! It pleases You to give it. Let me have a heart like Yours that is generous with this beautiful gift of mercy. Let my heart be a seat of mercy for You, so that I will overflow with mercy. Help me to realize the vast amount of mercy that You have poured out on my life so that I might be ready and willing to extend mercy to those You bring into my life who need this demonstration of love. Find Your rest in my heart today. I love you! Amen!

Because of His mercy!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Amen! We could all use more mercy in our lives.
I love what Ruth Graham's tombstone says! What an amazing lady she was. I'll have to visit the library the next time I am down there.
Hope you are enjoying Lisa Whittle's book! She is a very special lady too. I'm enjoying this study.
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