Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Why So Special?

Today I want to share the devotion that I read this morning. It is based on Job 7 :17-18:
"What is man, that You should exalt him, that You should set  Your heart on him, that
you should visit him every morning, and test him every moment?"

God visits us with mercy every morning. Before we are awake He is at work in the world, baptizing it with dew, feeding the birds and wild things, taking pleasure in the jasmine and the heliotrope, the honeysuckle, and the rose; and with all His care for His world, He does not forget man, whom He has placed there to be its tenant......

But probably Job meant that God visits us in discipline, training, education. He is the watcher of men; not to detect their failures, but to discover opportunities of leading them on to richer, fuller experiences of His grace and life. Surely, as we consider all the time and pains which God has expended on us, we too may cry, with the patriarch, "What is man?" Man is more than we guess, else God would never take such time and pains with him. When a lapidary spends years over a single diamond, the most careless observer begins to appraise properly its intrinsic value. 

Every morning God visits thee, with holy thoughts and warnings, with miracles and parables, with anticipations and forecasts........oh realize how much thou art to Him; give Him love, thanks and loving recognition, a child's welcome and trust.  F. B. Meyer

There is a present waiting for us every morning. It is a big package of mercy. Have you opened your package of mercy today?

Dear Lord, thank You for Your loving kindness today. How beautiful is Your mercy. Thank you for setting Your heart on me today. When I think of who You are and who I am, I am humbled in Your presence. Thank you for being so wonderful! Amen

He is thinking about you right this minute! 

Me, too!


Joyful said...

It is aweseome to be reminded of God's thoughts towards me.

Thank you for this beautiful message to my heart this morning.

Loving Him,

Cheryl said...

What a beautiful thought, that if we are quiet and still enough we might just feel His breathe upon us. He IS that close and personal.

Thanks for the reminding!