Tuesday, September 28, 2010


We are in Tennessee, in the mountains where fall is just becoming. We are in a cabin, a three bedroom, a beautiful place. My favorite room is the screened in back porch. It sits high in the air with gigantic trees all around. A treehouse of sorts. A peaceful retreat.
The cabin is dressed in tree branches. The door handles are branches, they are pushed and pulled to open doors into bigger spaces. The stair railing to the downstairs is made of many branches woven and held together to make a very sturdy barrier and guide. It is lovely.
Curtain rods made of branches hold lacy little curtains.
My favorite is the large branch that arches over the bed in one of the three bedrooms. Nests and little birds nestle all along it's crooks and crannies.
This is the perfect resting place for a Seven Branches momma. An unexpected surprise.

Branches used in various ways. Which of the branches would you like to be?


Unknown said...

What an innovative way to use branches! Love the stair railing. Enjoy your time of refreshment! God bless!

myletterstoemily said...

wow, how appropriate for you to be in
a cabin with branches everywhere.

i hope you have a wonderful time!

Martin said...

God blesss