Monday, September 27, 2010

Worth It

Pressing on.
Loving unconditionally.
It is worth it.
Forgiving before sleep ends my day.
Worth it.
Giving time, energy, self.
Worth it.
Seeking when I can't see anything ...
revelation will come.
Worth it ... all.
Loving ... without reciprocation

or expectation ...

sometimes without trusting.

Pressing on because it is worth it.


myletterstoemily said...

dear cheri,

i think you are one of the overlooked ones.
i don't feel sorry for you, because i know
that He is especially fond of you.

i AM grateful that we found each other,
because you inspire me a great deal!

keep up the excellent work!!!!!!

how about this gorgeous fall weather?


Cheri Bunch said...

I AM grateful we found each other, too! You are a great encouragement. I love it when you stop by!

Thanks for the encouragement!

It is BEAUTIFUL weather!!! My favorite time of year!

You are sweetness all the way ... very special!

love ya,