Monday, November 18, 2013

"You can't change who they are."

My husband gently reminds me of this fact over and over again.

He is right, and I believe what he says is true, but sometimes I want to try. 

I'm powerless. I can't make someone with a Melancholy personality become a Sanguine, or change a Choleric into a Phlegmatic. I will waste my time even wishing for such a thing.

I know someone who has the power to change people. His name is Jesus. The first miracle Jesus performed was changing water into wine. He transformed the drink from pure water to pure wine. The wine was still a liquid. It was a drink, but it had extremely different qualities. 

A transformed soul is one of the most beautiful things in the world.

I went to Women of Faith this past weekend. Several of the speakers told about their transformed lives. We were empowered by one transformed life after another. My favorite was about a woman named Lollie who had been a stripper in a strip joint here in Louisville. There is a  church that ministers to the women in these joints. There are twenty strip joints in this city. Some concerned women from a church here started making meals and taking them to the strip joints to feed the women. They go back stage and talk with the ladies and share their love and faith with them. Women are getting saved and leaving the profession. Praise God!

We did not see Lollie, but she was in the room, and her story was shared. At that time, she had not danced for 165 days. The Lord Jesus has come into her heart, taken up residence, and she is a new creature. She now goes by her given name, Lauren. 

The ladies who took Lauren food could not change her, but they could love her with the love of Jesus, and they do. The whole church is not going into these places to minister, but they are praying for those going in and for those needing set free. Beautiful story, no?

Lollie's story is extreme. Some of the testimonies were from church girls. "I sat on a church pew every Sunday, then one day, He changed my life!" 

Everyone needs transforming. Jesus is the only one that can make that happen.

Wouldn't it be awesome if there were zero strip clubs in this city someday? 

The Lord doesn't typically change your personality style when you ask Him into your heart. He does transform your soul with a new nature. Desires change. Before He comes in we are dead in our sins. After He comes into our heart, we are alive in Him. Have you experienced His liberating, transforming power? It is something that you can't help talking about!


"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved. He who believes in Him is not condemned, but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." John 3:16-18 NKJV

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